
Archive for March, 2013

 After Five and a half years of studies at St. John’s Medical College, We finally graduate !  Thanks to all those who made our life in St. John’s memorable. Here is a copy of the graduation day speech by the valedictorian. 

Dr . Jino Joy with Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

” I’m still a nobody. But once I graduated here, I would be a somebody,” one quote from a person I never had a chance to meet and shake hands with.  Well, nice line – great thought which needs a deep understanding.
A pleasant day to all of us – fellow graduates, superiors, parents, teachers and distinguished guests on the dais

These past five years will certainly be memorable to us for a very long time. Although it has taken us only five years to complete MBBS, some of us have aged much more than that with co-morbidities of Diabetes, Hypertension, hair fall and even Kidney Failure.

Whenever there is a life-altering event, a ceremony is used to celebrate that change. Few moments ago, we too had a ceremony to signify our graduation. We realize, once we walk across this stage, our lives will be forever changed, for better or worse, with all the rights and responsibilities of someone with the title of a Doctor.

Although the graduation ceremony is a celebration of the commitment we’ve made to get here, it’s also a reminder of the commitment that life will now demand from us.

Five and half long years at one place!! Whoa what gets accomplished in five years? I don’t know. For my corridor mates, boys, sitting here, I know how much they can accomplish just in one night – especially when the OBG paper is due the next day and they haven’t even started. We know how a week can turn into a year’s worth of Medicine lessons during final exam week. But over five years, the collective experience we have acquired in St. Johns is incomparable to anything in this world. As Dr. Anil Abraham wrote, we might be remembered historically as the batch that brought culture vulture back to campus and kick started many other events and traditions, Geographically as the class that travelled far and wide on their class outings, socially as the batch that had dignified, decent disagreements with their immediate juniors, politically as the batch that had one of the best committee that St. Johns has ever seen- pushy, persistent, productive and fiscally as the batch that won the most prize money in the midst of global recession.

Having said all that, all those achievements and celebrations may fade or even be forgotten. The cheers may become a distant memory and our certificates and medals may gather dust on a shelf or in a drawer. We might forget all that…. But, we will always remember, the tension during ICCs to beat 08,the hype and fall of Mad Med Men in Final year Mad Ads, the Hockey finals against 06, the drama and fights before committee elections, Fr. Mathews ‘Oks ’, days of attendance shortage or pediatric re exams, and even probably the aroma and taste of mess tea.

My dear batch mates, this journey would have been incomplete without you. Now When I look back on all the good, bad, high and low times over the past five and a half years, I realize that you have always been present. Whether it was through a simple text message, phone call, a long mess table talk, or major gossip. You guys pulled each other through, no matter what. So thank you.   I mean this from the bottom of my heart, I wouldn’t have wanted to do or experience any of this without any of you, and I mean all of you.

Graduating is our accomplishment, but we wouldn’t have made it here if it wasn’t for the heroic efforts of our parents and well-wishers . I believe I talk for all my friends here: Thank you, mom, Dad,  for understanding my true call and helping it come true. You brought me up telling me that you want the best for me. Thank you for seeing that my happiness is yours and your happiness is mine. Thank you for dreaming with me. Thank you for raising me to be happy, healthy, motivated, and loved kid. I wouldn’t be here without your support and guidance. This triumph is yours as much as it is mine. I will for sure make you the proudest parents in the world.

The faculty along with the management of this great institution gave us “Freedom and not just permission”. You have all left and will continue to leave an indelible legacy of excellence, achievement and a fine ethos and tradition for generations to come. I would like to pay tribute to the wonderful teachers, alumni and indeed the management – you have all guided, molded and shaped the Ladies and Gentlemen sitting here today. We owe a debt of gratitude to all of you for guiding us throughout our five years at St. Johns and for inspiring us to be just as great medical practioners as you are. We would also like to thank the Executives of St. Johns for helping us find our voice, sharing with us refreshing perspectives and preparing us to challenge everyday norms. You passed along many opportunities our way trusting our capabilities as a batch. Be it Autumn Muse, Jingle Rock, Medex or even this Graduation Day you trusted our judgments and organization skills as a batch.  Hope our batch has made you proud.

When we joined St. John’s Dr.Alka Singh told we have thick skulls which are impermeable. Today we stand here with porous thinner skulls and thicker skin.

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” I have faith that each and every one of us in the class of 2007 will forge a new trail. Even though these trails may take us in different directions, our goal will remain the same: to lead a worthwhile life and to become good doctors.

We, the graduates of St. Johns Medical College, with the guidance of our superiors, parents and teachers, have been given the tools to attain this goal. It is now up to each of us to begin creating a new future.

May almighty shower on us his choicest blessings and guide us to creating a new feature.

I would like to thank once again everyone for coming to join us at our graduation ceremony.

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