
Archive for May, 2010

Feast of St. George, Mannar , Year 2006

At times in Life you realize what you missed only when you actually get it back. After a few months gap again I’m realizing what I have been missing these days. Life always seemed to be pleasant and happy for me by God’s Grace. But there are some things in life which I was very much involved with and to which my heart yells to return to.

Nothing ever brought me joy as much as the moments I spend with my parents at home. Apart from being at home, I just love being at my place, with my people.

The friends from my school, the friends at Sunday school, Guys who worked with me together for many a things in our parish…. Meeting all of them and once again spending ‘quality’ time with them is so nostalgic.

We are celebrating Mother Mary’s Feast at our Parish Church now. This takes me back to my School Days. It was at such occasions and around such people that we guys grew to take up small but responsibilities. Taking in charge of the pavement decoration, putting up a refreshment stall, helping out in the big procession etc. was too BIG for our age then. After going to Bangalore I have been missing all this petit – stuff, though bigger things came my way there.

Yesterday was the first day of festival. Attending the Rosary procession with candles, hundreds of men came seeking the blessings of Mother Mary. Me too relishing the old times with KCYM Pals raised on shoulders the ‘statue of Mother Mary’ …. Enchanting pyrotechnics followed the procession… Like always stood with the friends with lots of chit-chats, unlimited SODA from KCYM stalls and enjoyed a lot. Talks and discussions till wee hours is the only thing I missed yesterday. I had to return home early, definitely because I knew my parents would have been waiting! I could not help helping Dad for setting up the electric decorations at my house too. Because the fact is that I always loved and still love to work with him. (Excuse my laziness at times)

Even at Johns we all work for many a things… wee hours…. Ideas… discussions… execution… everything happens…! But there is always a difference….! Probably I belong to this place more than anywhere else! I just, just love being at HOME!!!

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